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Vahali Dikri Yojana Gujarat 2020-2021 Registration Application Form Pdf and Details

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Vahali Dikri Yojana has been introduced by Gujarat State Government in favor of improving the Girls Birth Ratio. In beneficiary will get financial assistance in three stages. Soon Government will invite Vahali Dikri Yojana Form to the official website. In the State Budget Rs, 133 Crore has been sanctioned for the successful implementation of the Vhali Dikari Today in this article we are going to discuss Gujarat's Dear Daughter Scheme Registration Process, Eligibility, User Guidelines, and important dates.

‘Vahli Dikri Yojana
’ was launched to save Gujarat’s daughters. The state in the budget on Tuesday allocated Rs 133 crore for the scheme, under which Rs 1 lake will be provided to first and second daughters of a family on attaining 18 years of age, for their wedding or higher education. The Dy CM told the state assembly house that the scheme, the first of its kind by the Gujarat government, will help prevent female infanticide, promote the education of girls, and provide a substantial sum to fund the higher education and weddings of girls.

Sociologist Gaurang Jani said that the government giving cash incentives for the education of girls was good, but giving Rs 1 lake for weddings at 18 years would incentivize parents to marry off their daughters, rather than allowing them to pursue a college education.

Vahali Dikri Yojana Gujarat 2020-2021 Registration Application Form Pdf and Details

Gujarat Vahli Dikri Yojana Form (અરજીફોર્મ)

Download / View Gujarat Vahli Dikri Yojana Form Pdf

Gujarat Vahali Dikri Yojana Eligibility

1.Only Permanent Residents of Gujarat are Eligible
2. This Scheme is valid for First Three Girl Childs Per Family
3. Annual Income of the family must not exceed Rs. 2 Lakhs

Documents List

Interested candidates can apply to avail of benefits under the scheme. Applicants must have the following documents to use:

Domicile Certificate
Birth Certificate
Income Certificate (Upto 2 Lakh Rupee Annual)
Parents Identity Proof
Bank Account Passbook

Gujarat Vahli Dikri Yojana Benefits

1. Once the Girl Child Enters Class 1, Financial Assistance of Rs. 4000 Will be Given
2. After Entering Class 9 the Girl child gets financial assistance of Rs. 6000
3.Upon Attaining age of 18 years, the State Government will transfer Rs. 1 Lakh to the beneficiary for Higher Education & Marriage.

New Changes In Gujarat Vahli Dikri Yojana

This scheme will prevent female foeticide, promote the education of girls and provide a substantial sum to fund higher education and wedding of girls.

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Procedure to Apply For the Vahli Dikri Yojana

Applicants need to fill online as well as an offline application form. Yet the government has not disclosed any defined procedure. Here are some common steps which applicants need to follow:

First of all, visit the official website of the government
Read all the scheme related information carefully
Collect all the necessary documents as required
Click download application form or online application form registration option
Fill the application form with all the required details
Upload / attach the necessary documents with the form
Submit the application form at last.

Silent Features of Gujarat Vahali Dikri Yojana

It is a 100 % Percent Government Funded Scheme.
Total Rs 1,10,000 will be given to the Beneficiary.
The Application Form for the Scheme will be accepted through Online and Offline Mode.
The amount will be transferred through Direct Bank Transfer Method.

Important FAQs

Who can avail the benefits of the scheme?

Only the first two girl child of those families whose annual income is not more than Rs. 2 Lakh can avail the benefits of the scheme.

Is this scheme is for reserved categories only?

No. There is no category bound for this scheme.

Is there any commencing date or last date of application submission?


Where the application forms are available?

Applicants can grab the application form from the official website or Related Regional Offices.

What is the amount of financial assistance?

Applicants will get Rs. 110000/- as financial assistance under this scheme.

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